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The following text describes Verbs for the example of the Wine engine.

Writing a new verb

Probably, the functionality of the verb you want to add has already been implemented somewhere else. To find out whether someone else has already implemented the functionality you can for example look at:

To create a new verb create a new folder in Engines/Wine/Verbs and add a script.js. The script.js must follow this template:

const Wine = include("");

const Optional = Java.type("java.util.Optional");

 * Verb to install <verb>
// TODO: replace Verb by your own class name
class Verb {
    constructor(wine) { = wine;

        // do some optional initialisation work

    go() {
        // TODO: add implementation of your verb here

    static install(container) {
        const wine = new Wine();
        // TODO: change <verb> to the target verb name
        const wizard = SetupWizard(InstallationType.VERBS, "<verb>", Optional.empty());


        // TODO: replace Verb by your own class name
        new Verb(wine).go();


// TODO: replace Verb by your own class name
module.default = Verb;

The main implementation of your verb needs to be contained in the go method.


To download a file, use Resource:

const setupFile = new Resource()
    .algorithm("SHA" / "MD5") // optional: default is "SHA"

To install the downloaded Resource:
    .run(setupFile, ["arg1", "arg2"])
    .wait("Please wait while {0} is installed ...".format("Verb"));

If possible, perform a silent installation. Many installers provide parameters like /q, /S, -silent etc. to do so.


Sometimes, it is necessary to extract files from the download instead of installing it directly. You can do that with CabExtract:

new CabExtract()
    .archive(setupFile)         // the Resource
    .to("path/to/directory")    // often:

It is also possible to pass additional parameters to the extract(), e.g.

    .extract(["-L", "-F", "*d3dx9*x86*"]);

If you extract many files, don’t forget to add a progress bar like it is done for d3dx9.

Copying DLL’s to C:\windows\sys*

On Windows 32 bits, 32 bits dll’s go to C:\windows\system32. On Windows 64 bits, 32 bits dll’s go to C:\windows\syswow64 and 64 bits dll’s go to system32.

This is already handled inside the engine implementation if you use the functions wine.system64directory() for 64 bits dll’s and bits and wine.system32directory() for 32 bits dll’s inside your scripts.

DLL Overrides
    .set("native, builtin", ["dll1.dll", "dll2.dll"])