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The QuickScript should be sufficient for the vast majority of scripts. It provides a simple interface to install the following types of applications:

QuickScripts use the latest stable wine version by default (recommended).

If you wish to add environment variables to the execution of the program (not the installer), just add the following before the .go();

    .environment('{ "var1": "value1", "var2": "value2"}')

If you wish to change the trust level (if the application compalains about admin rights) just add the following before the .go();



A basic script looks like:

const SteamScript = include("");

new SteamScript()
    .name("A Game")              // name of the game
    .editor("The developer")     // editor of the game (see Steam store: developer)
    .author("Forename Surname")  // author of this script (you)
    .appId(123456);              // Steam application ID

This script will install the game for the category “Games” and create a shortcut for

Steam.exe -silent -applaunch 265890

To disable the game overlay:


If you need a different category, use:


For a different shortcut (e.g. if you want to pass arguments):

    .executable("Steam.exe", ["-silent", "-applaunch", 123456, "-someArgument"]) 


A basic script looks like:

const OriginScript = include("");

new OriginScript()
    .name("A Game")              // name of the game
    .editor("The developer")     // editor of the game
    .author("Forename Surname")  // author of this script (you)
    .appId(123456);              // Origin application ID

This script will install the game for the category “Games” and create a shortcut for:

Origin.exe origin://launchgame/appId

You can determine the app ID by going into C:\Origin Games\*name of the game*\ __Installer and look for fields. Then write them down in `appId` field, separating them with comas.


A basic script looks like:

const UplayScript = include("");

new UplayScript()
    .name("A Game")                                 // name of the game
    .editor("The developer")                        // editor of the game
    .applicationHomepage("")  // application homepage
    .author("Forename Surname")                     // author of this script (you)
    .appId(123456);                                 // Uplay application ID

You can determine the app ID by starting the download and checking the folders in Ubisoft/Ubisoft Game Launcher/data/.


Installs a local Windows executable. Shows a setup window browse step (see SetupWizard) to query the executable.

A basic script looks like:

const LocalInstallerScript = include("");

new LocalInstallerScript()
    .name("Application-Name")                       // name of the application
    .editor("Editor")                               // editor of the application
    .applicationHomepage("")  // application homepage
    .author("Forename Surname")                     // author of this script (you)
    .category("Category")                           // category
    .executable("Application.exe");                 // exe name (for the shortcut)


Downloads and installs a Windows executable.

A basic script looks like:

const OnlineInstallerScript = include("");

new OnlineInstallerScript()
    .name("Application-Name")                       // name of the application
    .editor("Editor")                               // editor of the application
    .applicationHomepage("")  // application homepage
    .author("Forename Surname")                     // author of this script (you)
    .url("http://url_to_exe")                       // where the exe can be downloaded
    .checksum("exe_checksum")                       // sha1sum of the exe
    .category("Category")                           // category
    .executable("Application.exe");                 // exe name (for the shortcut)


Executes a custom installation command:

const CustomInstallerScript = include("");

new CustomInstallerScript()
    .name("Application-Name")                                           // name of the application
    .editor("Editor")                                                   // editor of the application
    .applicationHomepage("")                      // application homepage
    .author("Forename Surname")                                         // author of this script (you)
    .installationCommand(function(wizard) {                             // function specifying the installation command
        return {command: "msiexec", args: ["/i", "C://app.msi"]};
    .category("Category")                                               // category
    .executable("Application.exe");                                     // exe name (for the shortcut)


A basic script looks like:

const ZipScript = include("");

new ZipScript()
    .name("Application-Name")                       // name of the application
    .editor("Editor")                               // editor of the application
    .applicationHomepage("")  // application homepage
    .author("Forename Surname")                     // author of this script (you)
    .url("http://url_to_zip")                       // where the .zip can be downloaded
    .checksum("zip_checksum")                       // sha1sum of the zip
    .category("Category")                           // category
    .executable("Application.exe");                 // exe name (for the shortcut)


This section describes some advanced methods which give you more possibilities to control your script.

Include mechanism

When you want to use a certain functionality in your scripts, you need to include it in your scripts, for example:

const SteamScript = include("");

allows you to execute a steam script. The content of the include is the id of the functionality, which can be found in the script.json file located next to the script.js file implementing the functionality.

Executable arguments

By default, the .executable runs the application without arguments. If you need arguments, pass an array as second parameter.

For example, for a steam game:

    .executable("Steam.exe", ["-silent", "-applaunch", 123456, "-someArgument"]) 

Pre/Post install hooks

With the pre- and post- install hooks, you can specify a function which is executed before or after the installation. The given function receives a wine object and the SetupWizard. By default, the pre- and post- install hooks do nothing.

One common usecase for the pre- and post- install hooks is to set DLL overrides. DLL overrides are commonly performed using socalled verbs. You can find the complete list of available verbs here.

To use a verb you first need to include it. You can include a verb by using the include(<verb-id>) command which returns the class of the included verb.

For example, in the script for “Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood” two verbs are included:

const SteamScript = include("");

const Crypt32 = include("");
const D3DX9 = include("");

new SteamScript()
    .preInstall(function(wine, wizard) {
        new Crypt32(wine).go();
        new D3DX9(wine).go();

The wizard can be used to show additional setup pages (e.g. to query a file path).

Wine settings

Specific distribution (“upstream” or “staging”):


Specific wine version:


You can also use functions to fetch the latest Wine version:

For the specific Wine architecture (“x86” or “amd64”):


And for the specific windows version:

    .preInstall(function(wine, wizard) {


If the script requires a special registry setting, there are 2 options:

  1. If the setting is something which could be useful for other scripts as well, extend the Wine script (compare e.g. Wine.prototype.nativeApplication).
  2. If the setting is special for this script, use a registry file. Create a registry.reg in <scriptname>/resources (see IE6) and apply this in pre/postInstall() via:

     const AppResource = include("utils.functions.apps.resources");
     const registrySettings = new AppResource().application([TYPE_ID, CATEGORY_ID, APPLICATION_ID]).get("registry.reg");

Custom script

If the QuickScript is not sufficient for you, you can still write a custom script which will give you control over the complete installation process.

The frame for a custom script looks like this:

const Wine = include("");
const WineShortcut = include("");
const Luna = include("");
const {getLatestStableVersion} = include("");

const application = "application name"

const setupWizard = SetupWizard(application);

setupWizard.presentation(application, "Editor", "", "script author");

const wine = new Wine()
    .prefix(application, "upstream", "x86", getLatestStableVersion(setupWizard, "x86"));

new Luna(wine).go();"your command", ["arg1", "arg2"], null, false, true);

new WineShortcut()
    .miniature(["category", application])


You can take Internet Explorer 7.0 as an example.


To print debug output, simply use:

print("Debug output");

You can also use JavaScript debugging in your IDE (e.g. with IntelliJ IDEA)