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The repository contains the scripts for applications, engines, verbs etc.

There are several possible repository types, which can be set in the repositories.json file in your .Phoenicis folder:

The content inside the repositories.json file is a json array of repository objects.

For example:


When multiple repositories are specified and a script is available in more than one repository, the first entry in the list will be selected (i.e. repository hierarchy is from left to right).

Java classpath

A Phoenicis Java classpath repository is a repository contained inside the Java classpath of Phoenicis.

To add a repository contained inside the Java classpath, please add the object

   "packagePath":"<classpath to repository>"

to the repositories.json file. Inside this object <classpath to repository> needs to be substituted by the correct path to the repository folder inside the classpath.

An example for a Java classpath repository object would be:



A Phoenicis Git repository is a repository, which is located inside a Git repository, which can be found on GitHub for example.

To add a Git repository to POL 5, please add the object

   "gitRepositoryUri":"<path to git repository>",

to the repositories.json file, where <path to git repository> needs to be substituted by an URL leading to the wanted git repository and <branch> by the name of the branch containing the repository.

An example for a Git repository object would be:


The git repository is cloned to a folder in application.user.cache on first access. Later on, this folder is updated via git pull (every time you start Phoenicis).

Local directory

Another type of Phoenicis repository is a local repository. A local repository is located in a directory on your computer.

To add a local repository to Phoenicis, please add the object

   "repositoryLocation":"<path to local directory>",

to the repositories.json file, where <path to local directory> describes the path to the local directory of the user inside which the repository is located.

An example for a local repository object would be:
