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The interaction between Phoenicis and its scripts occurs through interfaces.

Accessing a JavaScript Script from Java

Every script type that Phoenicis uses has its own Java interface. To access a JavaScript script, Phoenicis proceeds like followed:

1) Execute the script using a PhoenicisScriptEngine 2) Cast the result object of the executed script into the desired interface type 3) Interact with the interface object

Existing interfaces

Easy casting via PhoenicisScriptEngine

To provide an easy method to perform all three previously mentioned step in a generic way, they could be implemented inside the PhoenicisScriptEngine implementations Example method signatures:

public interface PhoenicisScriptEngine {
    <E> E evalAndReturn(String script, Class<E> type);
    <E> void eval(String script, Class<E> type, Consumer<E> onSuccess, Consumer<Exception> onError);

Alternatively to the String script representation it could be a useful idea to pass ScriptDTO objects to the PhoenicisScriptEngines.